Any suppliers providing goods or services to 148 Quay Street please
note that all invoices and statements etc should be addressed to Body Corporate 164980 quoting your
order number (which you must get) and MUST be emailed to
Any accounts sent to any other address (and especially mailed anywhere by "Snail Mail") will
NOT enter our accounts system (with copies to everyone concerned) and will therefore only
result in your payment being delayed or not paid
Please note that because the Body Corporate committee need to approve any invoices for payment
and they only meet once a month then we can only accept trading terms of invoices paid
20th of the following month. Sorry, there cannot be any exceptions to this
Please also note that in order to meet timing requirements for our monthly committee meetings the cut-off
date for our management company to receive all invoices is 9th of the month - anything received
after the 9th of any month is too late to be considered at that months committee meeting and will
therefore be put back to the following month.
So please ensure that invoices for the previous month are emailed us at the address above by
the 9th of the following month if you want them paid that month
Thank you